Saturday, November 27, 2004

time will tell.. time

today i saw a website of ibra a runner for the much contested male' seat and an mdp members.. i wonder if a gov. candidate put up a website or their supporters put up a website.. do would have gone crazy.. this is what i meant on the other posts about the opp. not writing intelligent articles.. frankly ibra or his supporters have every right to do this i don’t think there is anything wrong with this.. and so does the gov. candidates... and i hope that the gov. or the election board don’t make a fuss about these sites because supporters have a right to do this....
both the gov sites and the opp internet sites have started their mission of defaming the candidates ultimately leaving the public with no true knowledge of these candidates who will be shaping our life.. i wish there was someone who would come and give us a true picture of the people running so that we can make informed choices....
i also read on do page that some of the opp. candidates have been summoned to the police and instructed them not to leave male'. if this is true this is a gross violation of their rite to have a fair contest with other people running and if this is a lie the gov. should publicly announce that these are just rumors. since i don’t know these candidates personally i am unable to verify this but will try to find out.. or else we will know after dec 1 if they go to these atolls which will be proof that do just made up the story and if they don’t which would mean that the gov. has grossly violated candidates freedom.
i saw tourism minister’s interview on a magazine and do went crazy on him. my understanding is that everyone has a freedom of expression and a minister have all the right to say what he sees just like opp. right to say what they want.. i think the opp. specially do has a problem in this sense where the only thing they do is defame individuals who are not with them....
i hope that the gov. plays this election right because this election will be proof of presidents promise for reform....

Thursday, November 25, 2004


i still have faith that things are going to change and change for the better. The gov should make sure that the coming parliament members are selected fairly and there is no vote rigging. there has been many instances of vote regining and this is undeniable i have no proof that this was done by the gov or by the people in the islands but this has happened...Frankly i see no reason why the gov has centralized the vote counting procedure i see no reason why the capable people in the atoll cant do so in their own island. i think the gov should do this in this election. but what ever they do there will be people who talk against it that’s democracy and that’s natural. this does not mean people who character assassinate each other or people who defame others which is the lowest of them all in a democratic society. i also think that just because a candidate is from the gov, that does not mean that person is inappropriate for a seat.. i will chose my member based on the person not on what he holds.. i am tired of seeing members who do nothing.. gov or not...
i also read on opp websites complaining about gov candidates campaigning before their names were released officially which is illegal under the law. but i know for a fact that every one has started to campaign gov and opp.. i have seen opp people going around doing their bit of campaigning and i don’t see anything wrong with this.. my understanding is when the rule says no campaigning before the dec 1 means official campaigning that is.. tv ads, posters, public gathering.. etc.. as long as no candidate does this than there is no problem with this.. everyone is doing their part.. and this is a natural part of running for seats.. debating about these candiate is a good thing to do and we should do so.. but we should do it in an inteligent way so that people can make informed decsisions.. these people that we select will make an inpact on our lifes or they may be just a name disconnected from the public connected with the gov or the opp... just because someone is from opp i do not think he/she will serve the best interest of my community.. i will choose who can talk for me.. i will choose who can make changes...

Monday, November 22, 2004

wind of change..

i just lost the trust i had for do.. the opposition website.. i neither took sides all along and so today i thought i will submit something to its forum to reply to someone else comment on distribution of wealth.. and this was how it appeared on the forum when it was published

Hi to Open the Islands,
No, to open up the resorts is not a good thing, but I agree that the profits should be distributed to all. This situation, where the rich get richer and have more opportunities, is not something happening only in Maldives. This is a fundamental flow in capitalism. The problem not only in tourism, but it is very much tied to the economic system in Maldives and in many other countries.
We need to find how we can create a new system for Maldives or create a balancing plan within the kind of capitalism we already have. Just opening up the resorts will not solve anything, nor will opening up other sectors.

These are things we need to think about in a much broader sense than picking out bits and pieces from here and there. We need the money to flow where it is most needed.

Open the Plan
Maldives, Sunday November 21, 2004
what is wrong with this is that they have changed my last sentence "We need the money to flow where it is most needed."
this is not what i wrote... i wrote.. " what we need to do is change the SYSTEM" the nick name i used was "eye" .. i felt disgusted and betrayed.. i feel sick.. how can you fight for me and yet do this to us.. i was never on either side.. but i had hope.... the change was just the wind....

Friday, November 19, 2004

it came true

well.. so the opposition have started their campaign boycotting maldives amongst tourist.. this was my worst fear and i have been talking about this in my previous posts.. what a bad bad bad move.. this is no way to get support from the people.. see ..maldivians are generally well off and to cut off tourism is to cut off peoples livelihood and no one will be willing to support such an act. maldives is not some other country... because money from tourism does trickle down to masses... it might not be balanced or fair but some amount does go to people.. and the opposition should acknowledge this.. if this be the case then there is no one in maldives who will support such an act....
today also i heard about the candidates running for parliament seats.. and all opposition does is bash bash bash these candidates... sometime i wonder if that’s all these people can do.. i want an opposition who would come out and support their candidate.. and opposition who would write intelligently... i don’t want to bash people because these people ...even though they are from the government.. have every right to run for the seat as anyone else.. instead of screaming things about someone i want to hear good things about others so i can make informed choices.. . every time i get in to the oppositions websites i feel like i am forcefully fed their propaganda.. funny same thing with the government website.. these two monsters are stuffing me with so much propaganda i want to puke their own crap over them...
i feel sooo frustrated now.. i think both the gov and the opp should get a life........

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

friend in need is a friend indeed

some of the reformers that were arrested has gone on a hunger strike,,, personaly i am not sure how a hunger strike would work but in a country where there is little access to international media this might not be the wisest move i might be wrong on this one. there is also a tourism fair thats going on in london one of the biggest in the world and it seems there are protesters on the street demanding the release of the detainees... this might put pressure on the government i just hop the protesters dont call for the boycot of tourism in maldives. this will be the worst move,, look what happened to iraq when the embargo was put in place. most of the basic needs of the country got cut off and i fear this will be the same scenario. anyways i dont see any western country placing an embargo in the maldives becuase there is very little they can gain from maldives regardless of who rules the coutry.. as of now most of the major companies like telcom , water, land reclamation are done by big western companies or the larger contracts are given to them so i see no reason why they would want to hinder this close connection..
the atomosphere in the country is gettin tense as we are moving ahead in to electing memerbs from each atoll.. this is a tricky thing as the president wants many of his friends and cabinet members to secure seats and the opposition wants their people.. watch out for some form of a violence in different part of the country...