Monday, September 04, 2006


Now that I can post again, I will be posting new entries regularly.
Politically it has been calm. Each side is slowly getting ready for the fight in 2008 election. As it stands maumoons party will have a sure win. He has shuffled his cabinet in such a way that all the big business persons are in his circle now including buruma, dean, and the rest of the thieves. politically a fine move, but in the eyes of everyday people these are business people who sold their morals, values and patriotism to a few dollars. such a shame to be called Maldivian. in their eyes I guess they are fighting for freedom and justice but deep down I guess they know how much wrong they are inflicting on poor Maldivian. How can all these resorts be owned by just a few, how can all the big business be owned by a handful, and what is left, the fishing is to be privatized and sold to the bidders. Another business that would be owned by the big mafias. Now that the business people are running this country, they are privatizing everything and it is ultimately the ones who design the policies end up owning the business. Man this place is in such a mess that even mdp cant save it now. Everything is sold, owned and leased by and for the few people who are sleeping in the same bed. Pretty disgusting huh, worst part is that down the chain so many of the Maldivian are blindly supporting to keep them there. How did we end up in this mess?
mdp and the government are making deals, this is nothing but a way to keep the masses under control now that the government knows that the population is itching to come out and demand. I do not think mdp should negotiate with crooks. the people of this country should come out on the street until the government falls and our constitution gets amended to the will of the people, until such time this country will go down the drain.
The hope of maumoon leaving despite of mdp's constant rhetoric is a lie. maumoon will never leave and he is not planning to leave. mdp should stop getting these false hope high. the youth is getting tired cause the job that was to be finished in six months had dragged on for years. youth of this country does not have patient and mdp has let them down and it would be hard to get the trust back. the only person that can still save us is anni. I don’t know why I have so much faith in anni but he is my hero and I still believe that he is our savior. no wonder the government has locked him up for so long.
I wish anni would become more proactive while in house arrest and be more public so we will not loose hope in the fight for freedom and justice. please anni wake up and save us


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