Head or Tail?
Sometimes I wonder what the best system would be for a little country like Maldives. A society where everyone is more or less connected in some way. What will be the consequences of a multiparty western style democracy? At this point I guess no body really knows but everyone is sure of one thing- we do not want the current administration or its ill thought policies. We are starting to see a lot of change; I must say lot of good and bold changes. Unfortunately the image of the current administration is tarnished and cannot be revived even by the notorious foregin PR farms operating in Maldives. I have been thinking about the changes that are being brought at a rapid pace and suddenly I realize what is happening. You see, all these 26 years the world around Maldives advanced and grew. Maldives was bogged down not only in terms of development (at a very fundamental level) but also its own government was operating with a mindset that was not fit for the current century. Hence the way they controlled its population and the propaganda machine started to fall apart. The continuous nationalistic songs on tvm, the Friday "kuthuba" (which was mainly used as a propaganda machine), radio, even the stage shows started to become a waste of time. Obviously the current administration realized this just the other day and is scrambling to modernize the propaganda machine and the way they controlled the masses. So the changes that you see are not really the change in bringing a more democratic system to this country but rather a new machine to keep churning the old grains. Lets look at what the current admin. has done. Appointing, Gasim, one of the riches person in Maldives, in charge of our treasure. Now, even a kid will know the consequence of this. Then he brings another rich resort owner (Dean) as our atoll minister. What’s going on? Is this administration selling our country to the big corporations? Where are our young educated people ready to take these important portfolios? Sadly opposition does not want to say anything about these powerful individuals because they are still salvating in the hopes that these figures will return to save them...pathetic... At the very fundamental level nothing has changed. As long as the system remains like this nothing will change. maumoon can swap as many heads as he wants but the plight of the masses will remain unchanged. Of course the feel good excuse of the elite will be, that by bringing such a rapid change the society may spiral in to chaos. This is just bull... freedom is not something that a society needs to be conditioned in to.
One of the very basic changes that this administration could bring is the election of atoll and island chief rather then placing hand picked corrupt government cronies in these positions. The current government knows that if they allow this that will be suicide. I really don’t understand why mdp and other opposition aren’t fighting for this cause. mdp is so infatuated in bringing maumoon down that they have lost any cohesive strategy. One cannot bring change by calling for the resignation of an elected government but rather start from the grass root level and try changing things at a much more fundamental level. Personally I think all the opposition parties should immediately call for the election of atoll and island chiefs rather than calling for resignation of an elected president (however questionable the election process was).
There is no doubt that mdp has the majority support of the masses and if they know how to play this right they will prevail. Secondly oppositions should stop wasting their energy in the hopes that world organizations and NGO's will come to their aid. World governments are as corrupt as the current Maldivian administration, they will not do anything unless they have something to gain and obviously they have much more to gain with the current administration in power.
Anyways I really hope that the people of this country and the opposition become ever more vociferous in calling for immediate elections of atoll and island chiefs. This will be the very first step for change in this corrupt system.
NOTE: This online journal is not aligned with any political party. The writing is not factual but my sole interpretations if the current situation. Thank you for those of you who have emailed me. I really appreciate it; I am unable to reply back as I do not want to be traced. The following posts are not submitted directly by me but I have to email to a friend abroad for submissions, again due to what might happen. Those who emailed about possible help, it would be great if you all can spread this link, as dhivehiobserver (our opposition mouth piece), themaldivian.org and factmaldives.com has blocked and banned us. Thank you all for the kind words...
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