Thursday, November 25, 2004


i still have faith that things are going to change and change for the better. The gov should make sure that the coming parliament members are selected fairly and there is no vote rigging. there has been many instances of vote regining and this is undeniable i have no proof that this was done by the gov or by the people in the islands but this has happened...Frankly i see no reason why the gov has centralized the vote counting procedure i see no reason why the capable people in the atoll cant do so in their own island. i think the gov should do this in this election. but what ever they do there will be people who talk against it that’s democracy and that’s natural. this does not mean people who character assassinate each other or people who defame others which is the lowest of them all in a democratic society. i also think that just because a candidate is from the gov, that does not mean that person is inappropriate for a seat.. i will chose my member based on the person not on what he holds.. i am tired of seeing members who do nothing.. gov or not...
i also read on opp websites complaining about gov candidates campaigning before their names were released officially which is illegal under the law. but i know for a fact that every one has started to campaign gov and opp.. i have seen opp people going around doing their bit of campaigning and i don’t see anything wrong with this.. my understanding is when the rule says no campaigning before the dec 1 means official campaigning that is.. tv ads, posters, public gathering.. etc.. as long as no candidate does this than there is no problem with this.. everyone is doing their part.. and this is a natural part of running for seats.. debating about these candiate is a good thing to do and we should do so.. but we should do it in an inteligent way so that people can make informed decsisions.. these people that we select will make an inpact on our lifes or they may be just a name disconnected from the public connected with the gov or the opp... just because someone is from opp i do not think he/she will serve the best interest of my community.. i will choose who can talk for me.. i will choose who can make changes...


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