Thursday, March 03, 2005

watch me watching you

And its over.. the new members been sworn in.. new jackets and suits bought.. they all look like a scene from a political thriller neatly lined up.. sitting on these huge chairs.. in an air conditioned room.. debating about my future, my neighbors future, my families feature. Sometimes i wonder what right a bunch of people elected by a majority of a society has over my person self considering the fact that none of the people i want is up there or let alone contested for the seat.. well i guess that’s what people call democracy. a system that does not hear the voices of minority... in fact when democracy is mixed with capitalism you get what i would call a 'capitacracy" (change the last "c' to a "z").. welcome to the new capitacraxy... in maldives a 30% democracy, 20 % islamcracy, 5% socialism, 45% capitalism.. beautiful huh? and the way things are going the whole society will fall in to a 90% capitalist society.. for example.
open tourism to the whole nation.. business and price of a commodity depends simply on the accessibility to an object. if something becomes as abundant as sand there is no market for it. i see no reason why tourism should be opened to the whole country. I think each zone should be surveyed to find what is potentially viable for that particular zone. farming, fishing, harbor, etc.. of course this would sound like segregation to some but these are just my thoughts.. i speak neither from experience nor from knowledge. if i be wrong than be it..
what about schools.. i read a number of times in articles that government should allow for private schools to operate without their interference.. another capitalist notion that quality of education depends on the tuition fee. imagine... in my island to have seperate schools for these rich kids ..while my kid go to public schools.. at least now my kid and my landlords kids are given an equal sitting..i want progress and quality of education to be determined by a kids ability and sweat for his own feature not his by his dads money.
these are good good policies managed badly. money from tourism poured in to pockets of rich people alone.. the division between rich and poor widening day by day. imagine when we reach the full maturity of capitalism... just imagine dhiraagu with a 100% private stake hold. I could not believe that the government would privatize companies servicing our basic needs.. water,, power..telcom.. etc.. this is not flipping states.
anyways... i am not advocating socialism but i think these companies should remain in the hands of the government which is eventually the public (makes me to laugh at my own comment on that one) and should not operate like business companies..
.....don’t know why i am writing so much tonight.. but what else is there to do.. the members are still bickering about if they need to rise their hand or rise their feet to vote. rise you hands i say. you are elected by me.. us... so show me who you vote... i want people who are hero’s who have the guts to stand up and say what they want to say... not some weenies who walk out of parliament just because they see it on tv and think its cool. now i don’t mean to undermine the walk out.... that was a defining moment in the transition.. but i stand by what i said in earlier posts about people sitting down and talking..standing.. and flipping rising their hands for my rights.. if you are too scared of the repercussions then why the hell did you even contest..
i will tell it straight.. i don’t know what the constitution says.. nor am i a lawyer.. but i damn want to know who my member voted for.. they can rise their hand or just an eyebrow but the slaves of the public in the parliament should let their masters know who they voted.. we the public are the masters of the slaves in the parliament. i don’t really care if they are paid five time the amount i get each month or they wear five times the size of the shoe i have...i feel soooo angry at them.. oh yeah oh yeah ....everyone would go that’s democracy.. being able to debate.. true well why don’t we go debate about the color of socks that mp's should wear...where are those reformers..
oh wait a minute.. i remember.. previous post i was saying that endorsing members was stupid .. that one would know where a candidate stands only when they start voting....hate to say.. i told you so.. i cant believe the wind has turned on shareef and aslam for going against ibra. wait a minute..... what happened to free speech.. "oh well its free as long as you agree with me i guess".. maybe the government bought those candidates.. maybe they where speaking their own mind.. or maybe they where just delivering what the majority of addu people want...oh well.. its just for five years..
the second coming of anni to male big talk.. i will try to get some pics of this in hulule..if the government wants to play it right i think they should do nothing.. i don’t care what evidence they have against anni. he is the bait on a hook of the fishermen. i have a great respect for anni but not for mdp (or the government) i am just watching the game. my guess is anni will come and government would do nothing.. obviously anni will try to do everything he can to get himself that i am writing this.. i am thinking...maybe this is a small part of a bigger thing....oh well..
too tired to go and check the spelling and grammer..
i am just watching the game,,,


At 7:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice little piece of writing...looking forward from more of these...

At 11:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said... thoughts too,..

At 2:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey. I'm Chris. I came across your blog by accident - I live in England but have visited the Maldives twice (Villi varu and Eryadoo). It's a fantastic country and I intend to return some day. I would love it if you could visit my blog ( - I am currently trying to get as many people from around the world to visit my blog and would love to have a visit from the Maldives. Please visit and leave an entry saying where you are from and who you are. Cheers


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